The China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID) recently released the "2024 Top 100 Counties for Investment Competitiveness" list, with Zhangjiagang securing the third spot.
From January to November 2024, Zhangjiagang Port continues to see remarkable growth, solidifying its role as a critical hub in China's shipping industry.
In recent years, Zhangjiagang has continuously optimized measures to facilitate the clearance of large cargo, implementing smart logistics and information management systems to support the global spread of "Made in China" products.
In recent years, Zhangjiagang, has been actively supporting youth innovation and entrepreneurship, positioning young people as a driving force behind the city's development.
In November, Zhangjiagang introduced a specialized work plan to promote the development of "artificial intelligence (AI) + manufacturing" across the city, fostering new quality productive forces.
The intelligent management and automated operation system of Zhangjiagang Port Group's dry bulk terminal has been recognized as a exemplary case of digital transformation and transportation infrastructure upgrading.
Zhangjiagang has experienced robust development in its service industry this year, with various segments generating substantial growth.
The Industrial Innovation Cluster Development Fund of Zhangjiagang, jointly initiated by Zhangjiagang Capital Group and Suzhou Fund, has recently been recognized as one of the Top 30 Best Private Equity Guidance Funds in China of 2024 by CVINFO.