Zhangjiagang :
Railway freight transportation companies.Railway passenger transportation companies (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
Farming Subsidiary Foodstuff Industry (1) Processing of soybean, rapeseed edible oil (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares), deep-processing of corn
Exploring and mining of special and scarce coals exploration (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
Construction and management of key water control projects for comprehensive utilization (the Chinese party shall hold the relative majority of shares)
Guide of Foreign Investment in Scientific research
Construction and operation of electricity power by employing the clean fuel technology of integral gasification combined circulation(IGCC), circulating fluidized bed over of 0.3 million KW or above, pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle(PFBC)of 0.1 million KW or above
Farm Products Processing Industry (1) Development and production of biology feeds, straws and stalks feeds and aquatic feeds
Prospecting, exploitation and utilization of coal-bed gas (limited to equity joint venture and contractual joint venture)