Wuxi Human Resource Service Industry Park, jointly built by local authorities, opened on August 18.
Wuxi T-Unison Culture Media Company held a ceremony in Beijing on August 17 to celebrate its addition to the "New Third Board", or National Equities Exchange and Quotations board.
Wuxi Mayor Wang Quan met with Shanghai Electric's CEO Zheng Jianhua on August 12 to discuss the company's manufacturing projects in Wuxi.
Ytwoo.com received capital investment worth 3 million yuan from the Wuxi New District's seedling fund for start-ups.
Youchuan Bonded Store, at No 1, Gaolang East Road, Wuxi New District, imported dozens of fish recently which are 40 to 50 percent cheaper than common stores.
Due to the changing tourism market, the first half of the year witnessed low hotel revenues and decreasing consumption in Wuxi.
The 2nd Wuxi Businessman's Conference, with the theme "introduce Wuxi, invite investment", will kick off from October 26 to 28 in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu province.
Yixing has more than 500 online businesses involved in agriculture, with annual sales around 100 million yuan, according to local agriculture and forestry departments.