
Wuxi entertains 7.88m visitors during National Day holiday

Updated: 2018-10-09

Visitors enjoy sunflowers in Liyuan Park on Oct 1, the first day of the National Day holiday. [Photo/wxrb.com]

A total of 7.88 million tourists visited local tourist sites in Wuxi, Jiangsu province during the seven-day National Day holiday, an increase of 8.9 percent year-on-year, according to local media reports.

The city's tourism revenue for the holiday reached 8.64 billion yuan ($1.25 billion), up 14.6 percent from last year.

Several of Wuxi's biggest tourism resorts organized special activities to attract more visitors during the holiday; Turtle Head Isle reduced its ticket price to 80 yuan.

Lingshan Mountain scenic area and Nianhua Bay became the most popular tourist attractions during the holiday, followed by Qingming Bridge scenic area, Turtle Head Isle, Xihui Park, Water Margin City and Three Kingdoms City and Lihu scenic area. A noticeable trend this year was the rising popularity of the city library and sports center.

Nanchan Temple, located besides the Ancient Canal, is decorated with flowers and lanterns to welcome tourists during the National Day holiday. [Photo/wxrb.com]

Parents were willing to try a wide range of science-related events with their children, aiming to help them develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills and obtain knowledge of various science subjects through interactive activities.

The government stepped up its security and emergency response capabilities throughout the holiday to ensure that everyone enjoyed a safe and pleasant environment during their stay in Wuxi.