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Zhangjiagang Port Group wins provincial honor



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Zhangjiagang Port Group in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu province, receives the title of "Jiangsu Green Port". [Photo/zjgonline.com.cn]


Zhangjiagang Port Group in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu province, has been granted the title of "Jiangsu Green Port" by the Jiangsu Provincial Comprehensive Transportation Society, according to a local news report on Dec 22.


Four ports in Jiangsu out of a total of 78 candidates received the provincial "five-star green port" title, including Zhangjiagang Port Group.


Over the past few years, the group has focused on green and intelligent development. Efforts have been made to make the port more environmentally friendly and efficient by reducing energy consumption, tackling air and water pollution, beautifying the environment, and increasing the use of clean energy.

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