
Taicang German Town opens | Updated: December 14, 2021

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Taicang sets up an exhibition area at Suzhou Central Plaza on Dec 11. [Photo/WeChat account: tcfbgw]

Taicang German Town, an exhibition area of Taicang during Suzhou's Double 12 Shopping Festival, opens at Suzhou Central Plaza on Dec 11.

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Expats gather in the exhibition area of Taicang at Suzhou Central Plaza on Dec 11. [Photo/WeChat account: tcfbgw]

In recent years, thousands of German and other European and US companies, have set up shop in Taicang.

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German products are on display. [Photo/WeChat account: tcfbgw]

German companies, in particular, are ubiquitous in the area-so large is their number, as well as the number of their nationals, that there are German restaurants, celebrations of German festivals and German schools.

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German soccer culture is exhibited. [Photo/WeChat account: tcfbgw]

German families moving to Taicang will probably feel at home, said local residents knowledgeable of the bilateral relations.