
Foreign stargazers dub Taicang native Van Gogh | Updated: April 8, 2019

Paintings depicting starry night by Luo Fangyang. [Photo/WeChat account: taicangdaily]

Luo Fangyang, a taicang native, is known as Van Gogh by foreign amateur astronomers for his gorgeous paintings of starry night, local media reported.

The international organization Astronomers Without Borders awarded Luo's oil painting the first prize at its Global Astronomy Month in 2017 and many of his paintings were published in the Chinese National Astronomy.

When Luo was a child, he showed great interest in the starry night. In 1985 when the Halley's Comet returned, the eighth grader was thrilled for he got a glimpse of the craters on the moon and the rings of saturn for the first time with his mini telescope.

Luo visited almost all the perfect places in China to admire the starry night, such as the Taihu Lake in Jiangsu province, Xinchang in Zhejiang province and Wuyuan in Sichuan province.

However, the severe light pollution made star observation in the countryside increasingly harder.

So, the Taicang native turned to painting starry night in 2007. An idea occurred to Yang as he drew more and more paintings of starry night that it would be interesting to draw the starry sky described in ancient Chinese poetries on canvas.

Here comes his first Chinese style oil painting of starry sky Stars in July, which comes from the Book of Songs, the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry.

Luo's largest starry sky painting Sending Words to Lady on Moon helped him secure the first prize from the Astronomers Without Borders.

Though oil painting is an western art form, Luo said that he wants to show traditional Chinese culture and beautiful landscape by the western artistic expression.

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