
Taicang doctor aids Xinjiang's medical care development | Updated: March 1, 2019

Zhu Guangbing shows local residents how to perform emergency treatments. [Photo/WeChat account: taicangdaily]

Zhu Guangbing, an attending doctor in critical care from the First People's Hospital of Taicang, recently finished medical care assistance in Atushen, a city in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

During his seven-month assistance, Zhu treated more than 3,800 patients, rescued 80 critically ill patients and participated in roughly 70 consultations.

In addition, the Taicang doctor also offered various trainings for local medical workers and suggestions on department system construction and the design of intensive care units.

At the beginning, local residents did not believe in modern medical treatment and it took Zhu quite a lot of time to convince them to receive his assistance.

And several months later, local residents and even those from surrounding areas tried to find Zhu for help.

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