
Peony blooms for 450th year | Updated: April 15, 2014

For the 450th spring, the Yao family peony in Changshu of Jiangsu province is in bloom again. The peonies dating to the Ming Dynasty attracts many people.

This year, Yao Jinghua, son of the peony’s owner Yao Genyuan, introduced the flower to visitors. During the Ming Dynasty, a Yao family member was an official in the capital, and when he retired, the emperor gave him the flower as a gift.

The flower was moved to Changshu with his family. Emperor Qianlong from the Qing Dynasty praised the flower. The same species of the flower can be found only at Palace Museum in Beijing.

Yao said the flower is a family treasure. A man once offered millions to buy the flower, but his family refused.