
Excellent cyclists compete at Suzhou Bay | Updated: November 12, 2013

On November 11, the last match of the fourth Taihu Lake International Road Cycling Race was held in Wujiang. The nine-day race ended with Yuri from the Turkey TRK intercontinental team winning the championship in 20.5 hours.

Despite the cold and cloudy weather, both competitors and spectators were enthusiastic and energetic about the race. Up to 120 cyclists of 20 teams from 17 countries and areas participated in the match at Suzhou Bay. Numerous cycling fans came to watch the race.

This year’s race lasted nine days and took place in nine cities, including Wuxi, Zhangjiagang, Nantong, Changshu, Huzhou, Changxing, Wujin, Yixing and Wujiang. The total distance was over 1,800 kilometers, 100 kilometers of which was in Wujiang.

The China Wansheng intercontinental team won first prize in Greater China. The team’s 19-year-old cyclist Jiang Zhihui came in first for individual total results in Greater China.