
Zhouzhuang considers inviting netizens to tourism festival | Updated: November 5, 2013

On October 25, the Zhouzhuang government invited many netizens to a meeting to solicit their feedback.

Most netizens raised concerns on tourism. One representative of local residents in Kunshan asked whether they could enjoy ticket discounts with valid ID and whether online registration was available for visitors during the Zhouzhuang Tourism Festival. They also visited a hall equipped with sensors.

Tang Ao, mayor of Zhouzhuang, and Ren Yongdong, deputy mayor, said that they will pay more attention to local residents and do in-depth market research to improve ticket price policies. They listened to advice to recruit citizens online as participants of the Zhouzhuang Tourism Festival. They will also consider offering people access to online registration.

A tourism expert recruiting activity aimed at netizens who love travel has kicked off. It will last until April 2014. It has different requirements for recruits, such as age, travel experience, number of microblog fans and travel notes about Zhouzhuang. People who are interested can get further information at Participants will probably get the chance to compete in the finals during the 2014 Zhouzhuang International Tourism Festival.