Local products of Taicang to go on sale on Taobao
A computer, a cable and an online store can popularize Taicang’s local agricultural products both at home and abroad. Taobao (a website for online shopping, similar to eBay and Amazon, operated in the People's Republic of China by Alibaba Group) launched its specialty store for Taicang local products on Aug 14. Customers can soon buy products from Taicang on Taobao.
A computer, a cable and an online store can popularize Taicang’s local agricultural products both at home and abroad. Taobao (a website for online shopping, similar to eBay and Amazon, operated in the People's Republic of China by Alibaba Group) launched its specialty store for Taicang local products on Aug 14. Customers can soon buy products from Taicang on Taobao.
“Specialties of China” is a project aimed at the Chinese local products market. Taobao has been cooperating with local governments to build online stores selling local products since 2010.
The Taicang store on Taobao is the first county-level store in Suzhou. It is very important for Suzhou to open up the market for local products and tourism.