English version of ‘Glamour Taicang’ website is up and running
English version of Glamour Taicang website (http://jiangsu.chinadaily.com.cn/taicang/), jointly organized by the publicity department of Taicang municipal party committee and China Daily, was up and running officially on April 26.

Ms Chen Xuerong, head of publicity department, and Mr Song Wenwei, director of China Daily’s Jiangsu Branch, jointly clicked to start this website.
According to Ms Xie Fang, manager of the website project, the website mainly covers six columns, namely Impression Taicang, dynamic news, Loudong culture, Taicang tourism, Taicang Port and special reports.

The English website is to present contemporary glamour Taicang, to inherit and promote time-honored Loudong culture, to provide its readers with timely news on Taicang. The website provides not only interactivity functions of sharing, printing and mailbox, but also useful service information on transportation, accommodation, food and attractions. It integrates multimedia functions of map, lantern slide and video and carries out in-depth coverage, increasing its depth and richness.

Mr Gong Zhengzheng, director of China Daily's ad center, introduced the influence and pupolarity of China Daily among foreign readers. He also stressed his eagerness to promote Taicang internationally. In order to elevate the popularity of the website and expand readers' coverage, a ten-day publicity is to be conducted on the homepage of China Daily website, a one-year publicity is on its local channel.