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Liyuan High-Tech Industrial Park

Updated: 2015-01-30

Liyuan High-Tech Industrial Park  [Photo from wuxinews.com.cn]

The annual total business income has reached $20.867 billion, with $642 million in total revenue, and $21.245 million in actual in-place registered foreign capital.

Name: Liyuan High-Tech Industrial Park

Level: provincial

Approved date: December 14, 1993

Location: Southwestern Wuxi

Address: 1890 Taihu Avenue, Wuxi 214072

Tel: 0510-85132820 85101872

Fax: 0510-85102785

E-mail: xyxx@163.com

Major industries: industrial design and development, electronics and IT, precision machinery

Well-oriented industrial parks include Wuxi (National) Industrial Design Park, Wuxi (National) IPR Park, Jiangsu Supercomputer Public Service Platform
